Cosplay Tracker (Free Template)
Here's my cosplay tracker with checklists, progress bars, budget, and time logs!
I posted some snippets of the cosplay tracking spreadsheets I use on my Instagram stories and a lot of folks were interested in seeing more! I decided to do you one better and make a free template for you all to use. You can adjust the file to your needs and use it to track progress, spending, time, and more!
You will need to save down your own copy of the file as it is set to view only.
You will also need Google Drive to use it. You may be able to download a Microsoft Excel version, but it may not function the same way.
To save your own copy of the tracker template, make sure you are signed in to Google, then click File > Make a copy to choose a folder to save it to.
Click the button below to access! Hope it helps!