Liara T'Soni Armor Cosplay (2023)
Mass Effect 2 & 3 | EA | Bioware | Gaming
If you know me, you know I am utterly obsessed with Mass Effect. I'm a sucker for sci-fi, space operas, and aliens. I grew up with Star Wars, the X-Files, and E.T., so it's no surprise that Mass Effect is arguably my #1 fandom.
I started making Liara on a whim one day when I realized I already had all the materials in my stash and wanted to experiment with painting carbon fiber effects. Of course, I would come to regret this when I learned how expensive and difficult it would be to procure the head prosthetic. Liara ended up being my most expensive costume thus far despite having all the EVA foam, fabrics, paints, boots, and even the bodysuits and a prop on-hand already. I spent ~$600 on the latex headpieces from fellow artists Soylent Cosplay and SnakeCraft as well as various makeup products. I was lucky I had the vast majority of the materials for the costume in my stash already, or this costume would have cost nearly $1k! This was also my first foray into SFX makeup. I made many mistakes in the process, but learned some hard lessons.
For the prop, I already had an M-6 Carnifex I 3D printed in October of 2020.
I ultimately had tons of fun making and wearing this costume. Plus, I got to participate in an incredible Mass Effect group cosplay at Katsucon with my friends Svan, Nyx, Amelia, and Garrett as Tali, respectively.
Left to Right: Svan as Garrus, Nyx as Shepard, Amelia as Shepard, Garrett as Tali, myself as Liara
I also had the absolute honor of posing for renowned cosplay photographer, World of Gwendana. It’s always been a dream of mine to shoot with him, so I was elated to find out that he is a huge Mass Effect fan and wanted to shoot my Liara cosplay! Below are just a couple of the stunning results of the photoshoot.
I entered the Cosplay Showcase at New York Comic Con 2023 and won a Judge's Award from Sameer Bundela, a master cosplayer that I have long admired! The massive amounts of love and appreciation I received for this costume from fans around the world made it all worth it.
This cosplay was also featured by:
Mark Meer, voice actor for Commander Shepard not once, but twice
a follower and fan in his fan art of Liara (my first fan art!)
...and many incredible photographers that are all shared on my Instagram.
I posted lots of work-in-progress photos and videos to my Instagram posts and collected many in my Instagram highlights here. I also made the pattern I used to create the breastplate available for sale as a downloadable PDF in my shop.